
How much does it cost to ship a car from California to Washington state?

Shipping a car from California to Washington State typically costs between $799 to $1,252 for a distance of 955 miles, with an estimated transit time of 2-7 days. This cost is influenced by factors such as the vehicle's size and weight, the shipping method, and the specific locations within each [...]
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How long do car shipments take?

The duration of car shipments largely depends on factors such as distance, carrier availability, and the requested delivery timeline. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to two weeks for a vehicle to be transported from its point of origin to the final destination. Several elements come into [...]
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Should you tip an auto transport driver?

Tipping an auto transport driver is a personal choice, but it is recommended. For local and short-distance car moving, consider tipping 5-10% of the total bill. For long-distance deliveries, a 10-20% tip is suggested due to the increased complexity and effort required in such shipments. Deciding whether to tip an [...]
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What to ask for when shipping a car?

When shipping a car, it's essential to ask if the quoted price is all-inclusive or if additional fees may apply due to penalties or unforeseen circumstances. Inquire about the necessary documentation, such as the car's title and registration, your identification, and proof of insurance, which your auto transporter will require. [...]
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